
Mobile Redefines the Future Healthcare

Mobile healthcare is not new, when the first time we transferred medical results through telegraph, consulted doctor over the phone, we had stepped in the mhealth industry. Nowadays, mobile healthcare grows even faster and trends to be more personalized.

mHealth (source: http://healthworkscollective.com/
Despite of the advancements in medical technologies and a general increase in income level, healthcare continues to pose challenges of affordability and accessibility across the world. On the contrary, mobile access becomes ubiquitous worldwide.

As the growing rates of mobile adoption, it’s really a wonderful idea that leverages the ubiquity of mobile devices to easy access to healthcare. Furthermore, with lower costs and wide spread availability, mhealth changes the way of delivering healthcare and doing business, making healthcare faster, better and cheaper.

Main Players in mHealth

According to world health organization (WHO) 2013, mhealth is the medical and public health practice supported by mobile devices such as mobile phone, tablets, and patients monitoring devices, personal digital assistant, and other wireless devices.” Indeed, it’s a promising and meaningful industry that attracts four types players we have concluded to move into including Healthcare device manufactures, such as company Johnson & Johnson and General Electric; Mobile hardware, Software & Network Providers like AT&T and Apple; Health Services providers such as Hospital and health insurances; New Players like Fitbit and Nike. And there is no doubt that players have forecasted the tremendous market opportunity however the current revenue is not that attractive. Since the mhealth industry is in early stage, the customer foundation is not strong enough and well developed. Yet entrepreneurs worldwide need to find business models that work in the current environment.
Players moving into mobile health industry (Source: own graphic)

Factors Driving Global mHealth Development

The world becomes more globalized. Although healthcare challenges can vary from region to region, health systems around the world have the same objective and people’s demand on healthcare over the countries keeps increasing all the time. In other words, the universe is driven by the same factors in developing mhealth.

Aging population and chronic diseases

Aging Population (source: http://www.dailyfinance.com
Aging populations and chronic diseases are in a long-term growth trends and anticipated to place a huge burden on the healthcare system. The global population age 60 or above is tripled over the last 50 years, and expects to reach nearly two billion in 2050. Chronic diseases are, by far, the leading cause of mortality in the world, representing 63 percent of all deaths based on WTO data base.

Rising healthcare expenditure
The costs on healthcare become affordable, and increase globally. Unfortunately, higher costs do not necessarily correlate to better results or higher-quality care, even in developed countries. 

Pressure on healthcare services delivery
Improving health care access is a major goal of governments around the world, and a centerpiece of many reform efforts to deliver the highest possible quality of care to the maximum number of people at the lowest possible cost.

Foundations already in place
The foundations of industrialization of healthcare are already in place — electronic medical records, remote monitoring and communications.

Healthcare, like other industries, is getting personal. mHealth can offer personal toolkits for predictive, participatory and preventative care.

Incredible mHealth Global Demands
According to the International Telecommunications Union, overall mobile penetration rates have reached 96% globally by 2013, 128% in the developed country and 89% in the developing country. The increasing number of Smartphone as well as the 3G and 4G networks boosts the use of mobile platform for providing healthcare services.

Benefit from the high mobile penetration rate, the value of mhealth global market in 2012 is $1,950 million, and expects to reach nearly 50 billion by 2020, according to a new study by Grand View Research, Inc. And PWC predicts that by 2017, Asia Pacific and Europe are expect be the largest market with 30% market share each, followed by the North America with 28% share. And among the various categories, monitoring services is expected to grow fastest, and still account the largest segment with market revenue of $1,278 million in 2012, and an estimated CAGR of 49.7 from 2014 to 2020.

In addition, the research shows that the mhealth develops at different rate and adoptions globally, with emerging market move fast than developed market. While the challenges from government trust, regulatory support, physician acceptance, user adoption is pending to digest in future. Private information protection is also an important determinant of the success under globalization.

What’s the impact on Medical research by using mobile technology?

Medical research needs tremendous amount information to study and the medical research are very often bounded by the geography. The traditional way of gathering volunteer and data is defined as time-consuming, high cost and limited information. Currently, most of the medical research conducted in clinics and hospitals. In order to recruit enough of participants, medical researchers need to send out large numbers of invitation emails or letters but get low response rate. For these volunteers are willing take part in, going to the lab as scheduled, signing an informed consent with well knowing about the risk and potential benefits. For example, in the early 1990s, a large heart attack trial performed that enrolled over 41,000 patients; it took nearly 3 years and cost more than $50 million.

While mobile medical research overcomes these shortages with real-time, digital, high-frequency data support, it’s easier and cost-effective. The result data could upload automatically and transmit after individuals complete the test through mobile devices anywhere, or through the senor continuous capturing which is wearable. As a result, it increases participant base, expands channels/platforms, enhances efficiency and decreases costs. And medical researchers could well define the market segment and predict the needs of customers, providing better services. And in current market, stakeholders make effort on two directions in mobile medical research industry.

Find New Value through Partnership

5 Apps (source:http://article.wn.com/view/2015/03/11
Recently, Apple just releases the medical research platform named research kit with the ability to recruit participant from the public via Smartphone. This immediately access millions of individuals and the platform could be considered as a partnership or cooperation between mobile operators, healthcare providers, and researchers that can build out a medical testing app accessible to people far away. Everyone can contribute to the next big medical breakthrough with signup the digital signature and instantly start recording data use Iphone’s sensors. Five apps are ready for use in the research kit, for instant, Parkionson. Using Iphone’s sensor, Parkionson can record down the daily data. The touch screen can feel people tapping in rhythm, the accelerometer can compare the gaitand the microphone can notice minute fluctuations in someone’s voice.

Innovation on Devices

Cardionet as we mentioned in assignment two is so successful on its star product MOCT (Mobile Cardiac Outpatient Telemetry) helping to provide the real-time cardio monitor services. Company also builds its own research department to process the tremendous data collected from the sensor, and improves the diagnostic services ultimately through the broad data sources brings by the MOCT. By using smaller and multiple functional devices developed by Cardionet, research department could get better data quality.

Google Smart contact lens
(source: http://truetechie.com/google-smart-contact-lens/)
Apple’s competitor Google has already lunched a difficult science project one year ago focusing on human body, working so hard on incredible devices to gather the valuable data. For instant, a smart contact lens developed to monitor glucose levels continuously for the study, cancer-detection pill which made by nano material could indeed attach to markers in the bloodstream that are highly specific for cancer, and read information from these particles well enough to make an accurate diagnosis.

Under globalization, with easy access and contribution of the study, researchers can get frequent data from worldwide in high diversity and large population, which helps to lead to more accurate results. Thanks to the varied and advanced-technology sensors, the input data could be more precise worldwide. In the near future, we may picture that all the stakeholders could bond together, carrying with the big data and could technology, continue to intelligentze in medical research.


Worldwide, the mobile technology has moved up the healthcare agenda and breaks the social and geographical barriers. It allows data capture easier and to be transmitted through network between different end users across the globe. The adoption of mHealth changes the healthcare system and brings significant social and economic benefits. Meanwhile there are also challenges to overcome in the near future. The stakeholders need to keep innovating on the devices, integrating sources and expanding the way in cooperation.


International Telecommunications Union, The World in 2013: ICT Facts and Figures report, Available at: http://www.itu.int/en/ITUD/Statistics/Documents/facts/ICTFactsFigures2013.pdf

PwC and GSMA, Touching lives through mobile health: Assessment of the global market opportunity, February 2012

PWC mhealth mobile market report, 2015, Available at: http://www.pwc.com/en_GX/gx/healthcare/mhealth/mhealth-insights/assets/pwc-mhealth-mobile-market-6.pdf

A New Mobile Model of Medical Research. Eric J. Topol, M. (2015). Available at: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/841646

PWC emerging mhealth full report, (2015). Available at: http://www.pwc.com/en_GX/gx/healthcare/mhealth/assets/pwc-emerging-mhealth-full.pdf

Global health care sector report, (2014), Available at:


Why Google's Cancer-Detecting Pill Is More Than Just Hype | WIRED. Metz, C. (2015).  
Available at: http://www.wired.com/2014/11/googles-cancer-detecting-pill-just-hype/
Apple – ResearchKit, 2015. Available at: https://www.apple.com/researchkit/

Global mHealth Market to Reach USD 49,119.2 Million by 2020,GVR. Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/global-mhealth-market-reach-usd-491192-million-2020gvr-rahul-sutar 

Apple ResearchKit Turns iPhones Into Medical Diagnostic Devices. Constine, J. (2015). Available at: http://techcrunch.com/2015/03/09/apple-introduces-researchkit-turning-iphones-into-medical-diagnostic-devices/#.7kjqi2:BUMS

Apple’s Health Research Kit Makes iPhone Users Test Subjects. Chen, C. and Pettypiece, S. (2015).  Available at: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-03-09/apple-s-health-research-kit-makes-iphone-users-test-subjects 

Cardionet.com, (2015). Mobile Cardiac Outpatient Telemetry (MCOT) - Cardiac Telemetry | CardioNet Event Monitors. [online] Available at: https://www.cardionet.com/ 

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